Sunday, January 16, 2011

Still moving forward

I’m still doing good arguing with those voices that tell me it is ok to rest and snack. I’m still moving forward. Just getting things done is motivating me.  I’ve taken a stack of fabric that I had set aside forever (yes, again, it has been over a year) and cut it up. Now I need is to add the batting. Is it motivational if I poison myself with spray basting?
Tune in and see what I do with them.

1 comment:

  1. However, most consultants do not agree that guide abilities will become obsolete. In truth, some suppose standard machining will thrive Direct CNC through small and specialty tasks. CNC machining is comparatively extra costly, which you will initially see as an obstacle. Investing in CNC saves you money, presents efficiency, improves shopper retention and creates a reputation for high quality and reliability. CNC machining equips a shop to move sooner with fewer team members, yielding a big benefit. Nonetheless, there are unique advantages to both CNC machining and guide machining.
