Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer Bucket List

Today is the first day of summer vacation for my family. It started later than I expected since there was a loud, loud teenager party at my house the night before. Tonight we are having a family meeting. We are planning the summer timeline, trips we want to take, excursions, craft projects, home projects and whatever else.
The past few years I've used this great book as a guide to get us out of the house. If we don't do some planning we end up letting the day fly by and no one has left the house. So I'm excited about making plans tonight. I'm hoping we can all inspire each other. I'm probably living in a naive place but I can hope.

We have a vacation planned, a romantic grown up weekend discussed and almost committed to, a few week long camps set up. Now I want to get my cross country runner training (and maybe I can ride my bike along and work on my exercise goal.) I want to get my creative child actually doing some creating rather than just talking about it (like mother like child). I want to conquer some house projects that we've neglected because we've used the excuse of homework and too many other commitments.

I believe things don't just happen. We don't just get miraculous a-ha moments all the time. They do come unscripted and unexpectedly but sometimes you have to plan for the silliness or the adventure. You can't just wait around for it to happen. Otherwise, it's happening out in the real world while you are cemented to the couch!

What do you want to do this summer? Here's a rough start to my list:
Make homemade popsicles, basic ones, designer ones (with fruits and mixed up juices.)
Go through ALL the silly old magazines in the house (preferably while floating in the pool.)
Figure out how to mesh mine, my mother's and my grandmother's charm bracelets into something that means something and something that I will wear.
Purge at least one room a week (including all cabinets and closets.)
Take an artistic field trip once a week (even if one week that means looking at magazines in Barnes and Noble.)
Teach several card classes--make a stockpile, use up some supplies
Clear off the craft room tables and start being productive, a little something every day.
Learn how to transfer my videos to DVD.
Catch up the boys' school scrapbooks.
Catch up on our vacation albums.
Organize my itunes music into better playlists.
Use a picture to create a quilt or paper creation.

There's a start...I could go on but you probably don't want to read it all. Make your own. Type it up. Print it and cross things off. But don't stress about it. Have a friend help you accomplishs some of it. Share the fun. I'll keep you posted.
Happy Summer!

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