Thursday, August 25, 2011

Schedule, schedule, schedule

Some people might stay scheduling wrecks spontaneity but I've found it helps me get things done. Have I said this before? I really think it is my mommy mantra. I can be spontaneous but if I want to make progress with all these other people's schedules then I have to plan!

I went through my craft room last night and instead of letting myself get sucked in the busy work I started packing my craft bag. I decided if it was mindless and just needed to be cut I would take it to sewing tonight. Sewing is my once a week, meet with the girls, and work on whatever you want time. We work at the church where we have plenty of room and lots of light. And to be perfectly honest it is so much easier to cut there than to climb over my messes to get to my cutting table which is covered in piles of stuff that need to be shifted so I can cut which means more piles to climb over to get back to where ever I was. Did you get tired reading that sentence? That's how tired I get climbing over those piles. They are productive piles...
Each of these piles is a project. What am I doing starting new projects you ask? It is my therapy (that I probably need therapy for.) I had a great time a week or so ago with my friend wool shopping. We headed over to the quilt store with our sale coupon and there wasn't much there and what was there was overpriced. Off to Goodwill we went where we stumbled upon the 99 cents a pound room. It was a treasure hunt. I LOVE a good treasure hunt! We found all kinds of wool things. Now for less than we would have paid at the quilt store we got lots more variety, even if we did have to cut things up to get it. So of course, I needed to sort all my wool, which led to pulling pieces for certain projects, which led to this semi-organized pile of messes. Still therapeutic! I tell myself these are hand projects so it's different from the other unfinished things lying around. Now I can be productive at a PTO meeting. Right?
It did spur me on to finish these key chains. Flowers on one side, buttons on the other. I only started them last Christmas for the girls at sewing. They are a smidge crooked but I think that adds to the primitive quality. (How's that for crafter rationale?) Whatever, they are finished!! Finished! That is such a glorious word. Think how much room that frees up in my craft room...uh, none.
Last week I also scheduled scrapbook time. 3 straight days of it. I find that works best. You set up, leave it and come and go as the inspiration hits. I have others come too which keeps me on track. I finished (meaning I journaled!) the boys' school albums. Then I did 1995 and 1996. That is two more years. Doesn't that sound impressive. Now I need to do 2006 and that fills my last hole in our family life. That may make you roll your eyes but it sure thrills me. I'm getting organized and caught up and just when I think I will have reached crafter completion nirvana...I will have to get a job because I have a child approaching college. Sigh. Makes me want to go start another project!

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