Saturday, August 13, 2011

School has started

I can't believe that school has started. I know I've disappeared from the blog world, again. I'd like to say I was busy working on all my summer resolutions but I'm not going to think about that. Not denial, just reality. No regrets. I know I got some things accomplished. I'm proud that I've moved forward. Moving forward is my happy reality.

I got a Sizzix Big Shot for Christmas. I love the silly thing in my dreams. In my dreams because I wasn't using it in my reality. I've been ordering new things. And more things. And still more things. I'll be looking through magazines or blogs and find more dies that I want/need. I've ordered from Sizzix and from I've used my coupons at Michael's and Hobby Lobby. I've ordered again (and again) from Joanns. I love getting packages! It brings me joy. I haven't surpassed my budget, yet. Ah, the joy.

I dropped the kiddos in North Carolina this summer and discovered a contest at the local shop. All I had to do was use my Tim Holtz dress form die to make something, anything. I didn't have a clue what I was going to do but I was entering! I thought I might even win, not because my work is so stellar, but just that I've found that people worry so much about competition that they don't enter.
I cleaned out my craft area but I still ended up at the kitchen table. I kept having to run upstairs, then into my room and then into the utility room. I've decided that my oldest needs to leave for college early I need his room for my new craft room. 

I loved playing with the dresses. I just need the figure for a dress like this.

Who knows what I'm going to do with them. One of them is for my mother's red and white sewing room. I had forgotten how fun it is to just play.
Here I am on display in the store. Fun! It's a start.
I even stamped a mailing label for the package. I was quite proud of it. Sad/funny thing was I ended up having to put the whole thing in a priority box. At least you are seeing it. It's a start! Now I need to get off the computer and go sort my vision for my fabric closet. I'll take pictures. Fingers crossed that it works!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you posting to your blog again!
    That's a very clever use of the dress form on your shipping label. Good luck in the contest!
